London Mayor Sadiq Khan Dismisses Trump’s ‘Exception’ Offer To His Muslim Ban

Newly-Elected London Mayor Sadiq Khan Joins The Jewish Community For Yom HaShoah
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Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is trying to flex his diplomatic skills by congratulating Sadiq Khan on becoming the first Muslim mayor of London, and then proposing him as an exception to Trump’s own proposed ban on Muslims. Namely Trump said that Khan could become an exception if he “does a very good job” as mayor, and if he “lead[s] by example.” In other words, if Khan shows he’s one of the “good Muslims” by whatever standard Trump has set, then he can travel to the U.S.

On Tuesday, Khan rejected Trump’s offer, opting instead to speak about the handicap that Trump’s rhetoric can work in the ongoing fight against extremism. According to USA Today, Khan believes Trump’s words will do anything but protect the world:

“Donald Trump’s ignorant view of Islam could make both our countries less safe — it risks alienating mainstream Muslims around the world and plays into the hands of the extremists. This isn’t just about me — it’s about my friends, my family and everyone who comes from a background similar to mine, anywhere in the world. Donald Trump and those around him think that western liberal values are incompatible with mainstream Islam — London has proved him wrong.”

Khan, who formally stepped away from Britain’s Parliament on Tuesday morning, has plenty to do while preparing for mayoral duties. He definitely plans on visiting the United States to exchange dialogue with other leaders, but if Trump wins, he wouldn’t be able to do so because of Trump’s proposed travel ban. As a result, Khan plans on doing so between the presidential election and inauguration, should Trump win. Smart move.

(Via USA Today)