Obama Roasts Trump And Hillary Gloriously At The 2016 White House Correspondents’ Dinner

White House Correspondents' Dinner Party
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Tonight in Washington, President Obama held court at the final White House Correspondents’ Dinner of his presidency. Predictably, the president took aim at probable GOP nominee Donald Trump, who did not attend the ceremony, because of course he didn’t. Trump, as you may recall, was roasted to a charred crisp by Obama in 2011, an event some believe eventually inspired a humiliated Trump to for president.

Presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton was far from safe from Obama’s rhetorical daggers. In fact, the president opened his routine with a couple of swipes at Hillary, specifically about her recent involvement in a lame “CPT” joke and her infamous speech to Goldman Sachs bankers.

Obama also go a dig in at Bernie Sanders, who was in attendance tonight.

Obama’s act also included a quite funny pre-recorded short film that co-starred Joe Biden and John Boehner.

Finally, here’s Obama’s speech — which he concluded by dropping the mic and proclaiming, “Obama out” — in its entirety.

Obama himself was far from safe from ridicule, in case you’re wondering. Event host Larry Wilmore had some fun at the expense of the aging Obama’s done over the past eight years.

Your hair is so white it tried to punch me at a Trump rally. The president’s hair is so white it keeps trying to say ‘All Lives Matter.’ No, man, you came in here looking like Denzel, now you’re going out looking like Grady from Sanford and Sons. I know it’s a dated reference, but you’re dated Mr President! All I’m saying is that, in less than eight years Mr President, you’ve busted two time-honored stereotypes. Black does crack. And apparently once you go black, it looks like we are going back. Thanks, Ben Carson.

Below is Wilmore’s full speech.