Rose McGowan On The ‘Machinery’ Behind Harvey Weinstein’s Predatory Behavior: ‘Everybody Knew’

In the nearly four months since decades of sexual harassment allegations surfaced against Harvey Weinstein, we’ve heard a lot about the “complicity machine” that he used to carry out his predatory behavior. That would include ex-Mossad spies and private investigators, along with a team of assistants who would do everything from procure penile injections to clean up the mess after his “encounters.” On GMA, Rose McGowan got incredibly real about that day at the Sundance Film Festival, where she alleges that Weinstein raped her.

Of Weinstein’s trail of abuse, McGowan told Robin Roberts, “Everybody knew.” The Scream and Charmed actress, who was on hand to discuss her upcoming memoir, Brave, says that everyone ignored her attempts to spread the truth. In the above video, she asserts, “The only good rape victim is a dead rape victim.” She also claims that Weinstein had “machinery in every country he would go to for the handlers to hand him the victims.” This began with agents and managers of actresses, who would arrange for auditions in his hotel rooms.

As for the day of the Sundance incident, McGowan discusses how ironic it was that she was being followed by a mini-documentary crew. “There was a camera following me for MTV, a day in the life of Rose McGowan,” she said. “So that did turn out to be a day in the life Rose McGowan.” Weinstein then allegedly carried out the rape in his presidential hotel suite, and McGowan discusses feeling so disembodied and shaken that her co-star, Ben Affleck, picked up on what had happened. “Goddamn it, I told him to stop doing that,” he reportedly remarked.

McGowan previously accused Affleck of lying about Weinstein’s behavior, but he has since come out to support her. Throughout McGowan’s GMA segment, she lamented the “gaslighting in this culture,” and she hoped that her years of crusading will finally have an impact, thanks to the assistance of the #MeToo movement. Watch below.

(Via ABC News)