Bernie Sanders To His Delegates: ‘It’s Easier To Boo’ Than Cope With President Trump

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Bernie Sanders isn’t resting after his rock solid Democratic convention speech on Monday. Nope, the Bern woke up and kept delivering for Hillary Clinton. Many of Sanders devout followers were bummed when he conceded to Clinton for the Democratic nominee, and those dejected loyalists are not taking it likely.

They have even resorted to booing their fearless leader when he called for unity among the Democratic Party. How booing Sanders will help cause change in politics has remained to be seen with Sarah Silverman even questioning it. The Bern seems to also be confused by this rhetoric and has begun to scold his once loyal followers. At a breakfast meeting with California delegates, Sanders once again threw his support behind Clinton, telling delegates they would have to live with the fact she will be the Democratic nominee. When met with a padre of boos, Sanders said booing is easy, but living under a Donald Trump presidency would be harder.

He told California delegates he is deeply humbled by their support, but the main goal is to defeat Trump, and continuing to revolt against the Democratic party will do more harm than good.

“California, thank you very much for all the support you’ve given our campaign. As the largest state in our country, as goes California, so goes America. So I know that you know that you have an enormous responsibility, and in many ways you are living up to that responsibility. So our job is to do two things. It is to defeat Trump, it is to elect Clinton. But it is not to end on Election Day.”

Followers of The Bern will probably still be present throughout his election cycle, but it remains to be seen if they will trust their former leader or go against the grain.

(Via Talking Points Memo and The Sacramento Bee)