Senate Democrats Are Planning To Filibuster Donald Trump’s Supreme Court Nominee

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Donald Trump will announce his Supreme Court nomination Tuesday evening, and Democrats are already organizing an offensive. Politico reports that Democrats will filibuster his nomination with most Democrats planning to oppose it.

The empty Supreme Court seat has been a source of frustration among the Democrats and Republicans. The latter party fought tooth and nail to block President Obama’s choice, Merrick Garland, from being confirmed, and it looks like Democrats will play the same game.

Some speculate that Peter Thiel may be Trump’s pick, but the president hasn’t dropped many hints. If Democrats hold true to their statement, Trump will need more than 60 Senate votes for confirmation. This would be the second time a Supreme Court nominee has been filibustered, with the other coming in 2006 for Samuel Alito (with Obama even trying to block the confirmation). That filibuster was ultimately unsuccessful, but Senator Jeff Merkley said the will filibuster any nominee who isn’t Garland:

“This is a stolen seat. This is the first time a Senate majority has stolen a seat. We will use every lever in our power to stop this.”

The Democrats are in for a fight, for Trump has reportedly told Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to resist if Democrats try to block his nomination. The lines are drawn.

(Via Politico)