Sheriff David Clarke Is No Longer Accepting A Position With Homeland Security After Accusations Of Plagiarism

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A late report on Saturday confirmed that controversial Milwaukee sheriff David Clarke has withdrawn his acceptance of a position within the Department of Homeland Security. According to The Washington Post, Clarke was in line to take his position by the end of June but had faced considerable delays that reportedly led to the decision:

“Late Friday, Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke Jr. formally notified Secretary of Homeland Security John F. Kelly that he had rescinded his acceptance of the agency’s offer to join DHS as an assistant secretary,” said Craig Peterson, an adviser to Clarke. “Sheriff Clarke is 100 percent committed to the success of President Trump and believes his skills could be better utilized to promote the president’s agenda in a more aggressive role.”

Clarke has been no stranger to controversy, including accusations that he plagiarized his master’s thesis and condemnation of the condition of Milwaukee’s jails following the death of mentally ill inmate. A prior report indicated that Clarke felt his position within the Trump administration was in jeopardy due to the plagiarism reports:

Clarke has been one of the most visible supporters of Donald Trump throughout the alleged billionaire’s presidential campaign, shining a spotlight on the more unsavory qualities of his character and time as sheriff. This includes the alleged harassment of his fellow passengers on a flight and his unpopularity within the community.

Clarke will reportedly be “reviewing options inside and outside of government,” but his future in Milwaukee is uncertain at this point. His persona would certainly have value in the media realm, given there aren’t any other skeletons hiding in his closet.

(Via The Washington Post)