Look, you pretty much know what you’re getting when you hear about Stacey Dash these days. The former Clueless star is now a conservative commentator, meaning she’s one of many making wild statements and accusations about today’s hot-button issues. One of the most notable in recent days is the dispute over transgender rights in public bathrooms, with North Carolina leading the charge with its controversial bathroom bill.
It’s been a talking point for months, but Dash just got around to getting her thoughts together on the subject in an interview with Entertainment Tonight. It’s quite the thing:
“It’s tyranny by the minority. Why do I have to suffer because you can’t decide what you wanna be that day?” Dash said in a sit-down with ET’s Nischelle Turner, going on to claim that Jenner being trans was a choice. “It’s your body! So, it’s your decision, right? We all make choices…
“OK, then go in the bushes. I don’t know what to tell you, but I’m not gonna put my child’s life at risk because you want to change a law,” Dash replied. “So that you can be comfortable with your beliefs — which means I have to change my beliefs and my rights? No.”
Dash also took aim at Lady Gaga in the interview and made sure to let folks know that it was time to let men be men. That’s because feminism has emasculated men to the point of submission, of course:
“We are the most powerful creatures on the planet, women. That’s why I hate when they say ‘I don’t get this, I don’t get that.’ I’m like, ‘Come on! We have the men. We raise the men. So, let’s start letting them be men,’ ” she argued. “Stop trying to be men. Let’s be women. And let’s let men be men. Let’s empower them to be men, because I feel like they’re falling away.”
I’ll give her credit, she stands firmly by her beliefs. It’s a good example of not having to agree with someone, but sorta respecting the level of dedication that they’re doing it. The only drawback is she’s a little bit crazy at times.
(Via Entertainment Tonight / Us Weekly)