Tomi Lahren Gets Emotional In Her First Interview Since Being Fired By Glenn Beck

Conservative shock jock/firebrand Tomi Lahren sued Glenn Beck and TheBlaze for wrongful termination last week. In her first interview since being fired for (shockingly) revealing her pro-choice stance on The View, she appeared on ABC’s Nightline. Here, Lahren travels through an array of emotions (the stubborn Tomi appears further below) due to the fact that she’s still bound under contract and can’t pack up the pieces of her career to pursue another gig. In the above clip, she gets choked up while begging Beck to let her “move on” and explains why she’s all torn up:

“It’s my job, it’s my life. Without that, I feel lost. When your outlet is taken away from you, when your catharsis is stripped from you, and you don’t understand why and you’re so disappointed and you’re so blindsided by it, it hurts.”

Thus far, TheBlaze has stood firm against Lahren being allowed to work elsewhere until her contract expires in September. The outlet finds it “puzzling” that Lahren (who’s still being paid) sued them “when we continue to comply fully with the terms of our agreement with her.”

In this next video, Lahren admits to shedding tears over her fate before growing a little scrappy again. “Don’t tell anyone,” she sadly grins. “I’m supposed to be tough.” Then she pointedly mentions that while she’s not a feminist (hmm), “I will not lay down and play dead ever … because I’m not the kind of girl that sits in the corner and cries about things.”

Finally, Lahren again talks about being pro-choice after previously asserting that no one told her she’d disciplined for expressing her opinion. (Trevor Noah laid down a strident defense following criticism that Lahren switched from her not-too-old stance of labeling abortion as “murder.”) Here, she states, “I believe you can be anti-abortion and pro-choice … I don’t believe in abortion.” However, she stresses that her belief in limited government is consistent with allowing women the freedom to get abortions in the first trimester.

(Via ABC News)