Did ABC’s ‘The Muppets’ thrill you or ruin your childhood?

I published my review of ABC's “The Muppets” last week. Now it's your turn. For those of you who watched it tonight, what did you think? Did the mocukmentary format feel like a good way to use Kermit and friends? Did you feel what Bill Prady has described as the “real” versions of these characters were appreciably different from (and/or true to) what we know from the previous movies and shows? Are you pro or anti the Kermit/Piggy break-up? Were the human guest stars well-used? Did it feel too raunchy, or were those jokes properly concealed from younger viewers? And will you watch again?

Have at it. I'm going to watch for a while in hopes that Prady and Bob Kushell figure out the right balance (particularly with Kermit and Piggy).