Humpday Mashup Dump

Good afternoon you princes of Maine, you kings of New England, you stalkers of Emily Browning.  Here are all the mashup and parody videos I didn’t get a chance to cover, thrown in your face like you’re Jodie Foster working for the FBI.
In the offing for today:

  1. FIRST VIDEO: My Little Pony + StarCraft II = “PonyCraft 2” [via ToplessRobot]
  2. SECOND VIDEO: Joe Nicolosi made this film bumper for SXSW that recasts Super Mario Bros. as an indie movie.  I picked the wrong day to quit doing mushrooms. [via TheDailyWhat]
  3. THIRD VIDEO: Team Fortress 2 mashed with The Dark Knight [via Buzzfeed]
  4. FOURTH VIDEO: Sucker Punch with Disney princesses. [via Blastr]
  5. FIFTH VIDEO: Wes Anderson’s “The Fantastic Mr. Star Fox” could use some more scarfs and tweed jackets with elbow patches. [Thanks to Tom for the tip.]