Things I Saw On The Internet Today That I Want Really Bad

Each day I spend hours wandering around the Internet, and often I run across things that I find myself wanting really bad. And today it seemed like there were an extraordinary number of things I ran across that I really wanted. (This actually happens a lot…maybe I need to consider making this a regular feature?)
Take the STOYN Ice Cream pops shown above, for instance, which I ran across via Blackbook’s Tumblr. The Russian ice cream company says it “brought together 10 of the most iconic figures in world culture and embodied their images into ice cream. Worldwide superheroes – Vladimir Mayakovsky, Darth Vader, Ernesto Che Guevara, Donald Duck, Marilyn Monroe, Mickey Mouse and Mario – their strength, character and talent were materializes in organic tastes of ice cream STOYN. Cranberry with vodka (Mayakovsky), blueberry with licorice (Darth Vader) and mate with rum (Che Guevara) – every taste reflects the role of these individuals in the global culture.”
After the jump are some of the other things I saw today that I want, and you’ll probably want them too after you see them.
So retro cool. Sadly, the hipsters will probably ruin this too. Sigh.
(Via rbateson)
Mainly because this giant R2D2 mug looks as though it could hold a lot of beverage, which would make it great for tailgating come football season.
(Via UseTheForce)
Oh how I wish this was real. Bacon and eggs ice cream. Make it happen Ben & Jerry!
(via Warming Glow)
A tiny record player that folds into an envelope. Yes please!
(Via Geekfeed)
I’ve been thinking a lot about getting a Vespa or a motorbike. Now if only I could find a farm animal to ride with me.
(via Best Roof Talk Ever)
I just want some of Justin Bieber’s perfume because the top looks a lot like a vagina. Pretty cool conversation piece, I think.
(Via Stephen Falk)
Because I’ve always dreamed of having my house smell like burning dead trees and ink.
(via Newsweek)
It’s goddamn hot in Louisiana during the summer and a nice big mason jar full of sweet tea always hits the spot.
(Via NPR Fresh Air)
Oh, now that’s what I’m talking about…REFRESHING!