Netflix Is Bringing Qwikster Back (Yeah)

Those [CENSORED] don’t know how to act…(yeah).

[Ed.: Seitz, 2003 called…you are banned from making this entire article a “SexyBack” parody.]


Anyway, remember when Netflix announced it was going to split its streaming business from its DVD business, because the DVD business was the one that was going to sink like the Titanic? Yeah, well, they learned their lesson, everybody who whined so hard about this first world problem. You sure showed them!

Showed them that they had to sneak it through the back door, that is. Netflix has started offering DVD only plans again. Needless to say, all the people who whined about it before are now saying this means Netflix is doomed because blah blah blah.

Netflix, meanwhile, looks at its stock price and cackles.

image via _tar0_ on Flickr