After Being Denied Sex, An OkCupid User Stole His Date's Phone And Impersonated Her Online

“It started pretty well.”

That’s how a 22-year-old St. John’s University student, who chose to remain anonymous in an interview with the New York Post, described her date with a man she had been talking to for two weeks on OkCupid. Then, after a few drinks, he began pressuring her to come back to his Brooklyn apartment. When she denied his offer, he allegedly followed her to the subway, threw a drink at her, and ran off with her phone.

“I guess he doesn’t take rejection well,” said the victim, a single mother with a 2-year-old daughter. “He was acting like a child.” (Via)

It got worse.

He then texted the woman’s friends, pretending to be her, she said.

“I’m all right everyone, just a little drunk but I’m home now,” he allegedly wrote. (Via)

He also “hijacked her account, uploading photos of her and changing her profile to say ‘I’m available for threesomes.'” She is not available for threesomes, and he is being investigated by the cops.

Via NY Post