Celebrate World Elephant Day With The Internet’s Greatest Baby Elephant GIFs

Happy World Elephant Day! There’s no better way to unwind from long hours of working or napping (no judgment) than to spend a few moments looking at baby elephants with their tiny little bodies and their too-large ears. And because today is the one day a year we can openly celebrate these marvels of nature (all elephants, not just the babies) (and also: every day should be elephant day) we’ve got a selection of expert-verified baby elephant GIFs that are sure to remind you how great these majestic creatures are.

Before we get to the GIFs, however, it’s important to remember that World Elephant Day isn’t just an excuse to post cute stuff all over your Facebook wall, it’s also a reminder that we need to “protect and conserve elephants from the numerous threats they face” and to view elephants in a “non-exploitative way.” And that’s exactly why GIFs are the best way to do that.

So, without further ado, let’s check out some tiny babies with some very cute trunks, all selected from the many many GIFs on r/BabyElephants.

Here’s a baby elephant so tired it almost does a backflip:

Here’s a cute little elephant trying to figure out its trunk:

And here’s a sassy little elephant who’s both learned how to use his trunk and walk away like he didn’t even do anything after playfully hitting his friend:

Cuddling with mom. NBD:


When you’re tiny, even sneezes are scary:

And we all remember how terrifying swimming was at first. This baby doesn’t even have water wings (although how cute would that be?)

Maybe a helmet is also required

Because walking is hard

But there’s nothing cuter (and you can quote me on this) than a baby elephant flapping its ears. Come at me baby giraffes and kangaroos. You ain’t got nothing on this badass:

Happy World Elephant Day! Don’t let these miracles of nature go extinct!

(Via World Elephant Day, Reddit)