Did A Murderer Use The ‘Confession Bear’ Meme To Reveal His Crime?

Take this with a grain of salt, don’t believe everything you read, etc. etc. etc., but SOME GUY COMMITTED A MURDER AND CONFESSED TO IT VIA A MEME. I think I handled that well. Yesterday, a Redditor, who has since deleted his account, uploaded a Confession Bear to Quick Meme that read, “My sister had an abusive meth addict boyfriend/I killed him with his own drugs while he was unconscious and they ruled it as an overdose.”

The anonymous would-be hero and/or hero, depending on your point of view, scrubbed his Reddit history clean, but “lionheart1610k” filled in the blanks quite well.

I’m not gonna post his personal info on here; the guy who did that got his posts mod-deleted. But a ton of people saw it while it was up there (and have screenshots). His post history had his middle name and his birthday, plus his job history and military rank, as well as a ton of info about where he lived. A couple people googled his user name and found a steam profile with the same info and a FULL NAME which matched an FB profile and a number of other profiles. He upvoted the info himself saying he didn’t give a fuck, but then backpedaled, deleted all his stuff, closed his FB account, etc. (Via)

This can only end in one of two ways.


(Via Reddit)