Calling All ‘High-Class’ Ladies: Elon Musk’s Creepy 76-Year Old Dad Would Be Happy To Impregnate You Now

While Elon Musk was busy terrorizing the world with shirtless vacation photos from Mykonos and tweets to “free the nip,” the space dork’s father, Errol Musk, was wreaking havoc of his own. According to The Sun, the ever-virile Errol—who recently admitted to secretly fathering a second child (yes, second) with his 34-year old stepdaughter (yes, stepdaughter)—says his seed is in demand. At least in South America.

“I’ve got a company in Colombia who want me to donate sperm to impregnate high-class Colombian women,” Errol said, “because they say, ‘Why go to Elon when they can go to the actual person who created Elon?’” (Yes, you may vomit now.)

So just how much are they paying Elon’s dad for his super-sperm? Nothing—except a free trip to Colombia. “They haven’t offered me any money, but they have offered me first-class travel and five-star hotel accommodation and all that sort of stuff,” Errol said. As for why he would just give away his apparently in-demand emissions, Errol’s answer is simply: “Well, why not?”

Earlier this month, in an interview with The Sun, the elder Musk stated that, “The only thing we are on Earth for is to reproduce.” He stated this right after talking about how his step-daughter and their two children—who do not live with Musk—had “spent a few days here about six months ago. And the kids were starting to get on my nerves.”

Just think: This cranky old man could be your dad’s children, too!

As for Elon: He seems to have inherited his dad’s penchant for reproduction. He has welcomed 10 children with three women over the past two decades (and those are just the ones we know of).

(Via The Sun)