Famke Janssen’s Stalker Is Apparently A Horror Fan

We don’t normally cover celebrity news on here because most nerd celebrities are every bit as exciting as you or me. It’s not like Brian Michael Bendis throws coke parties, well, not anymore. On the other hand, Famke Janssen, better known to all of us as Jean Grey, has been the target of something that sounds like a straight-up horror movie.

Seriously, read this and tell us it doesn’t sound a horror movie plot synopsis. We apologize in advance that this is from the New York Post:

Janssen came home to her King Street penthouse at about 8:10 p.m. on Saturday and found the children’s book “The Lonely Doll” conspicuously left in her bedroom, she’s said. The model, actress and writer called police, but detectives couldn’t find any signs of forced entry and nothing appears to have been stolen…

Needless to say, The Lonely Doll is every bit as creepy as it sounds. It’s a series of photos about a doll and two bears that was clearly what the ’50s thought were sweet and innocent, but, well, now they probably use it to induce psychiatric trauma in children. So, yeah, Janssen walked into her apartment and found some weirdo had not only found his way in without force, but left behind pretty much the creepiest thing you can find short of plastic sheeting all over the floor on her bed.

We hope for Ms. Janssen’s sake that whoever did this is found quickly, as whoever did this is obviously unbalanced. That said, we also hope she torches the book. Either it’s haunted, or it’s just frickin’ creepy. Either way, fire is the only way to be sure.