Garth Ennis Knows What “The Shadow” Will Do Next

Garth Ennis (Punisher, Preacher, lots of cool stuff) is going to write a new series of The Shadow for Dynamite. His version is also going to keep the pulp sensibility of the 1938 setting. The first issue drops this April with art by Aaron Campbell and covers by Alex Ross, John Cassaday, Jae Lee, and Howard Chaykin (two covers shown below).

Dynamite’s press release (which seriously cut-and-pasted a chunk from Wikipedia), describes the themes in Garth Ennis’ writing. “His work is characterized by extreme violence, black humor, profanity, an interest in male friendship, an antagonistic relationship with organized religion, and irreverence towards superheroes.”

By “interest in male friendship”, they mean “nonconsensual hillbilly buttsex”, although we don’t know if that’ll find its way into The Shadow. Fingers crossed.

Two more covers and Dynamite’s full press release are available at ComicsAlliance.