The Buster Bluth ‘Hey Brother’ GIF Wall Just Made Your Day Out Of Nowhere

I often contend that the internet — much like everyday people — is regularly in desperate need of certain things, only doesn’t realize it. Think: Prince William + a #2 guard. This morning one of my unasked prayers was answered with the creation of the Buster Bluth “Hey Brother” GIF Wall, a visual cornucopia of all the variations of everyone’s favorite juice-loving little brother’s oft-repeated catchphrase. I can’t be the only one whose sibling would find it weird if I greeted him any other way.

Many thanks to Elle Driver for creating and to thousands of Tumblrs for reblogging so it hit my radar and made my morning. Full GIF wall after the jump. I know I mentioned it during The Best of #Buster Bluth, but I seriously can’t wait for the Buster vignette revealing his experiences during the hiatus. Skywalker hand or GTFO.

Source: Elle Driver