Enjoy These Photos Jesse Tyler Ferguson Posted From The Set Of The 100th Episode Of Modern Family

Modern Family star Jesse Tyler Ferguson was pulling double duty on his Twitter and Instagram accounts this week, as he was Tweeting photos from the set of his guest appearance on Hot in Cleveland and posting photos of the 100th episode of Modern Family to his Instagram. Obviously, hitting the century mark is a far more remarkable feat for a sitcom these days, so it’s not much of a surprise that the popular ABC comedy’s other stars also looked like they were pretty excited.

Of course, Sofia Vergara is probably smiling because she was once again the highest paid actress on American TV yet again. But the one cast member that didn’t look very happy about it at all just so happens to be the show’s most important character, and I’m a little concerned that this already once re-cast role could be in trouble yet again.


Someone needs to check on Beatrice (AKA Stella), because if she ends up leaving the show like her predecessor, Brigitte, I will simply be furious. However, if her demands are to have her tummy rubbed, I could handle that job.

(GIF via)