Lewis Black Delivers A Trademark Look At The Problems With The GOP’s ‘Turd Sandwich’ Healthcare Bill

Next week, the senate will likely vote on a healthcare bill that could have disastrous effects by ending coverage for millions of Americans, and making it unaffordable for countless others. The bill has been fodder for many late night hosts — most notably Jimmy Kimmel — and was likewise the topic of conversation on Wednesday night’s The Daily Show. But because no one breaks down a subject quite like Lewis Black does, Trevor Noah turned to the seasoned commentator to give one of his trademark takes on the subject in a “Back In Black” segment that does not disappoint.

Pulling no punches, Black started out by bluntly stating, “Let’s face it, America really sucks at healthcare,” noting that we’re the only country that decided to “turn illness into a goldmine.” Setting his sights on the GOP’s new bill, he continued, “And the way things have been going, I wouldn’t be shocked if the Republicans new turd sandwich of a bill makes it to Trump’s desk and he actually eats the thing.”

“But here’s why Republicans in congress will never be able to fix healthcare,” Black went on. “They don’t even know what health insurance is.” From there he hilariously went on to attack Paul Ryan as a “spoiled vanilla milkshake,” “fountainhead of spit,” and “vomitorium of congeniality,” but he was just getting started. The whole thing culminates with Black mocking the GOP’s anti-Obamacare Health and Human Services YouTube ads with some of his own, featuring himself as “Dr. Lewis Black,” and suffice to say they’re must-watch viewing.