This Lovelorn Man Paid A Fortune Teller $743,975 For A Time Machine & Reincarnation Portal


A Times Square fortune teller allegedly scammed a man out of his fortune with promises to unite him with a lost love. In 2013, this man was rejected by the object of his desire. He decided to do anything possible to win her heart, even fall prey to a scam artist.

The man ended up losing his entire bank account. Psychic Priscilla Kelly Delmaro believed the man and his love were “twin flames” separated by negativity. Over a period of twenty months, the man forked over payments including but not limited to the following:

$2,500 for the initial consultation.

$9,000 for the second visit.

$40,064 for a diamond ring from Tiffany’s “to protect his energy.”

$40,000 for a fake funeral to make a bad spirit believe he was dead.

$30,000 for a Rolex, “a time machine to go back and cleanse his past.”

$80,000 for an 80-mile bridge to lure a bad spirit into another realm.

$90,000 for a 90-mile bridge to lure Michelle’s bad spirit into infinity.

Then disaster struck. The man cruised Michelle’s Facebook page and discovered she had died from a drug overdose. Delmaro said this was a confirmation of all of the fortunes told already. She then promised to reincarnate Michelle into another woman’s body.

This should have been the turning point, right? But no. The man went along with the reincarnation scheme until he figured out “the new Michelle” was nothing like the old one.

The man paid Delmaro until he ran out of money. He sold his car, lost his apartment, and borrowed from friends, relatives, and colleagues. In the end, the man paid the fortune teller $713,975. His entire fortune.

Police arrested Delmaro and her companion on charges of grand larceny.

(via NYT)