Mickey Rourke Has Fighting Words For Donald Trump, Says He Likes ‘The Black Dude’

Celebrity Sightings In Los Angeles - July 9, 2015
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Lots of people, on both sides of the political aisle, have very strong opinions about Donald Trump. Just in recent weeks, Michael Moore called the candidate “batsh*t crazy,” and Bobby Jindal referred to his competition as a “narcissist,” an “egomaniac,” and a “carnival act.” Meanwhile, you’ve got Tom Brokaw saying he’d call in sick every night if it was his job to report the news right now, and Norm Macdonald even comparing Trump to Hitler.

But so far, no one has COME AT ME, BRO’D The Donald harder than Mickey Rourke, who was stopped by a camera crew in Beverly Hills earlier this week and asked for his two cents about the front-running candidate. Rourke has apparently not been shy about his feelings for Trump in the past, and this time was no exception.

You can watch the video, which we unfortunately can’t embed here, but here’s the transcript:

Tell Donald Trump to go f*ck himself. He’s nothing but a big-mouth b*tch bully, and I’d love to have 30 seconds in a room with the little b*tch. Alright? [when asked who he would vote for] I like the doctor. The, uh, black dude. I like him, yeah.

For what it’s worth, I think most of us would love to see Donald Trump spend 30 seconds in a room with Mickey Rourke, or anyone who wants to kick his ass for that matter. Hey, if he ever runs out of money, there’s his fundraiser right there.