This Middle Schooler Should Be On ‘SNL’ For His Impressions Of The Presidential Candidates

Middle school graduations feel like a relatively recent phenomenon. I barely remember mine (I was too scared thinking about high school bullies, or maybe I just wanted to get home and watch Pokémon), but I do recall that it was an informal celebration, without any of the pomp and circumstance of a high school graduation. I’m not even sure if we had a speaker. At Thomas Middle School in Arlington Heights, Illinois, though, enthusiastic eighth grader Jack Aiello stole the ceremony, and won over the callous Internet.

Aiello impersonated Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, President Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Bernie Sanders during his graduation speech, because if there’s one thing 14-year-olds love, it’s Hillary Clinton impressions. But his SNL audition went well! His mother explained, “His classmates were encouraging of one another and when he delivered the speech, he got quite the reaction.”

Aiello has been interested in politics “for several years,” his father told ABC News. “He’s always been good with impressions, so while watching along with his mom and I, he picked up phrases and mannerisms of the candidates.” Aiello started parodying his parents, but quickly “moved on to teachers at school and it developed to the point where he’s very good at picking up mannerisms and tones.” Don’t try to impersonate a high schooler, though.

Believe me.

(Via ABC News)