Replacement Google Is Here To Bungle Simple Searches For You

Unless you’ve been under a rock all day today, you know that the NFL’s hilariously bad replacement referees sparked a national incident last night when they jobbed the Green Bay Packers out of a win in Seattle. I’ve since spent most of my time wondering how many people would have died if this had happened in Philly and if the Eagles were the team screwed out of a win. I’m convinced that at least one of those refs would have been Duracell battery-ed to death. Oh well.

With that said, the controversy has now birthed — so we can now all see how awful Google would be if it were run by NFL Commissioner Roger “Ginger Hammer” Goodell. It appears to be overloaded a bit at the moment, but earlier I was able to search Taco Bell and it pulled up a bunch of chicken joints. That sounds about right, no?

Meanwhile, I think the internet may have found a solution to this problem…