Sexy Star Wars Pin-Ups: Are They Traps?

We all know the Thirty-Fourth Rule of the Internet, burned into a stone tablet by a bunch of goons trolling a marble quarry. We also know that the Internet loves Star Wars. These two things have intersected in ways both terrible and awesome over the twenty years or so the Internet has controlled our minds, and God help me, I’m not sure which on this one.
Some perv from Sweden has done a series of Varga-Girlesque pinups featuring Star Wars characters you’d rather not imagine as sexy. Sexy Vader is everywhere, sexy Stormtroopers are pretty much standard at this point, but some of the others…yeah, not so much. Hit the next page for a full, terrifying, gallery and be warned that the pin-up at left is, like, the fourth most disturbing.

[ via the creepy basement dwellers at Buzzfeed ]