6 Swimsuits That Do Kinda/Sorta Look Like Famous Book Covers

Look, I get that it’s the dog days of Summer and really your only options are bitching about NBC’s Olympics coverage while watching Corgi Cam and admiring Nick Offerman’s throbbing foam penis. I get it.
But does that mean that anything should and can become a thing? I guess so. Because I’ve run into single-serving site Matchbook a couple of times over the last week, each time not really understanding why I keep running into it. The premise is matching famous book covers with swimsuits, which I kinda get because, you know, bare midriffs, but the problem is they don’t really match all that often and most of the books aren’t all that famous and/or don’t have iconic covers. So it’s just kind of this ambiguous hodgepodge of amazon screen grabs and bikini shots, which is apparently something bored people can get behind.
Anyhoo, in the spirit of covering all things entertainment + internet here are six examples that kinda/sorta meet the premise to give you an idea of what happens when everyone goes on vacation.
Always had a hunch Life of Pi was for the ladies.