Poor Taylor Kitsch — he’s seems like a pretty decent, down-to-earth guy. At the very least, he hasn’t let his brief rise to superstardom (and subsequent fiery burnout) warp him into some sort of Shia LaBeouf-esque monster.
For instance, Variety recently asked him about the whole John Carter debacle, and he managed to look on the bright side…
“It wasn’t an uplifting experience. My biggest regret would have been if I didn’t do enough personally. If I didn’t give it everything I had. If I hadn’t prepped enough. I don’t have that regret, so that allows me to let go. I still talk to Lynn Collins almost daily. Those relationships that were born won’t be broken by people we never met.”
Unfortunately Kitsch, bless his blandly hunky heart, still seems to be holding onto some hope that another John Carter might happen…
“I miss the family. I miss Andrew Stanton. I know the second script was f-cking awesome. We had to plant a grounding, so we could really take off in the second one. The second one was even more emotionally taxing, which was awesome.”
I actually liked John Carter quite a bit, but sorry Kitschy ol’ buddy — your movie lost 200 million dollars. F-cking awesome script or no, it’s not happening.
Via Variety