A Texas Wife Proved That Newspapers Are Still Alive With This Awesome Revenge Ad

The newspaper may have taken a back seat to the Internet in terms of speed and cultural relevance, but the Internet will never be able to touch the newspaper when it comes to a good, old-fashioned, pissed off revenge ad. For example, a woman named Timeshia Brown took out this ad in her local Texas newspaper to congratulate a couple that she knows on the expectance of their first child, and it has been making the rounds on Facebook and Twitter, as well as Reddit.

Except, as you can read, the funny thing about this specific congratulations is that the gentleman that Mrs. Brown is congratulating is also her own husband. I guess it’s true what they say – Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, especially if she’s willing to shell out $25 for a small newspaper ad. Happy packing, Patrick.

(H/T to Metro)