The Only Kate Middleton, Prince William ‘Royal Baby’ GIF You Need

We’ve known about Princess Perfect Person Kate Middleton’s pregnancy for all of, oh, six hours, and we already hate that baby. COME OUT OF THAT VAGINA ALREADY YOU THING YOU. As Senor Film Drunk pointed out, at least a half-dozen “Royal Baby” Twitter (and just as many Tumblr) accounts have been created, none of which are particularly clever. Which reminds me: there should be a screening process for people who want to run a parody Twitter account. It’s a big responsibility, and we shouldn’t be giving them away so willy nilly; you don’t want just anyone manning the wheel of @pippamiddletonasstalk.

Anyway, that’s why I’m happy this exists:

Is it a parody of Look Who’s Talking with Prince William’s head on a sperm? Yes, yes, it is. And it says everything you need to know about #royalbaby without resorting to ginger jokes.

(Via Bobby Finger)