Troy Vs. Abed: Choose A Side With Blankateers And Pillowmen Propaganda Posters

Tonight marks part two of the Greendale civil war between Abed Nadir’s Pillowmen and Troy Barnes’s Blankateers. Our good buddy Jon Defreest has immortalized the tumultuous time in Community history with two propaganda posters that I would gladly welcome on my walls even if they’d cause non-Community fans to question what sort of extra curricular activities I’m in to.

I know what you’re thinking. These might as well be Dan Harmon and Chevy Chase posters. Yeah, the storyline makes for quite a remarkable unintended metaphor. But hopefully the off screen beef is water under the bridge and tonight’s episode will be the cathartic exercise us Community fans require. No one likes it when parents fight, and sounds like Harmon was just going through some stuff.

Source: Vulture