Trump Kicking His Chief Of Staff Out Of The Room For Coughing During An Interview Left People Flabbergasted

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We’re now two years and some change into President Donald Trump’s first term, and just when you think there are no further depths to which the former reality star can sink — somehow, he still manages to surprise us. Case in point: during his “President Trump: 30 Hours” 20/20 special that aired on Sunday night, Trump kicked his chief of staff Mick Mulvaney out of the dang Oval Office for coughing during his interview.

At the time, Trump was trying to pull the wool over George Stephanopoulos’s eyes about his mysterious tax returns, which he claims will have people “very impressed.”

“When you see my financial statement, at some point, I assume it’s gonna be released, you’ll be very impressed with the job I’ve done,” he told Stephanopoulos. “Much, much bigger, much much better than anybody.”

“No, at some point I might,” Trump continued, when asked if he would willingly turn over his tax documents. “But at some point I hope they get it ’cause it’s a fantastic financial statement.” It was in the middle of this answer that Mulvaney made the mistake of coughing from the other side of the room. Most people likely would not have even noticed it, but Trump brought the whole interview to a standstill to address it.

“Let’s do that over, he’s coughing in the middle of my statement. I don’t like that, you know, I don’t like that,” the president fumed. “If you’re gonna cough, please leave the room. You just can’t, you just can’t cough.”

“Okay, you want to do that a little differently then?” Trump asked the producers, seemingly unaware that he is the President of the United States giving an interview to a major news outlet and not firing D-list celebrities from a fake boardroom on The Apprentice.

And it didn’t take long for people to pick up on the so-called outtake:

Some people wondered if there might be, you know, a reason why Mulvaney was distracting Trump:

As ridiculous as this all is, it’s worth a reminder that coughing is the least of Mulvaney’s recent sins: