UPROXX ‘Archer’ Open Thread: ‘The Limited’ With Executive Producer Matt Thompson

We’ll be going in a slightly different direction this week as we up the conversation ante with a special guest, Archer Executive Producer, Matt Thompson. Yes, that’s him dressed as a Mountie. He’ll be joining us as Archer airs, participating in the live blog of the show as well as answering your questions. We’d like for the comments to turn into an AMA-like setting where you guys direct your questions directly to Matt and he’ll get to as many as he can.

Every week going forward up until the season finale we’ll be welcoming a guest who works on Archer. Get excited. Matt has been awesome enough to provide us with several behind-the-scenes photos to get the early conversation started and provide a closer look behind the show. A handful are after the jump and I will add the others to the thread.

Last week’s giveaway winner was GIF-maker extraordinaire, Chet Manley. If you caught his work in the “El Contador” thread it should come as no surprise. If you didn’t do so now. Repeat performance encouraged.

Pre-show talking points…

From Matt: “Lana vs Aisha — we took this pic (then shopped Lana in) a couple of years ago. We promptly put it in a folder and forgot about it. That is the season one staff behind her.”

Also from Matt: “A picture of the current Archer staff. For no reason, I am dressed up as a Mountie. Adam is right next to me.”

The time to start directing questions to Matt and/or gearing up pre-show conversation is now. We’re going to treat things as more of an all-out open thread going forward. We’ll still live blog the show at 10PM EST but encourage everyone to keep chatting throughout the night. I’ll put a cap on things in the AM.

Follow us @KDMaske, @TheCajunBoy, and @UPROXX for reminders.

Tonight’s Badge: Unlock “Double Dukes!” via social sharing and active commenting. You must be a registered UPROXX commenter.