Watch The Ultimate ‘Before They Were Famous’ Celebrity Commercial Compilation

They may be cleaning up at the Emmys and making millions staring on the big screen, but before they made it in Hollywood, these celebs had to start somewhere which is why vintage TV commercials are the internet’s new gold mine. But if you’re finding it hard to picture Breaking Bad star Bryan Cranston in a skunk suit or Tina Fey rocking a mom mullet, don’t worry, this mashup of retro celebrity commercials is here to help.

Matt LeBlanc sensually eating a hot dog, Paul Rudd geeking out over video games and Seinfeld’s Jason Alexander doing a McDonald’s themed Broadway number all make the highlight reel and while Cranston’s Preparation H commercial is definitely the most embarrassing, Morgan Freeman’s groovy Black and Mild ad may just be the best thing you’ll ever see.