A Golden Retriever Named Tammy Adopted An Abandoned Baby Lamb

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A Golden Retriever named Tammy has become an unexpected surrogate mother for a newborn baby lamb.

The lamb, which has been named Stormy, was born in the midst of some bad storms in Hazelridge, Canada. She was rescued by Tammy’s owner Cathy Fleury, who heard Stormy’s mother hurting the newborn lamb:

“I was locking the gate, and all of a sudden, bang, bang, the poor lamb was flipping all over and the mother had her head and she was beating her.”

Soon after Cathy rescued Stormy, she noticed that Tammy had taken a liking to Stormy and was spending more time looking after her. Cathy would find them napping together, chasing each other around the yard, or Tammy cleaning Stormy’s ears in a motherly fashion:

“Even though Tammy’s never had a litter, she’s so mothering to this little lamb…I was outside working all day. I’d turn around, they’d be laying under a tree sleeping or just hanging out…She crawled up on the porch once, and they were sleeping up there.”

Cathy has promised that she will keep the two together, which is very unusual for animals on a farm. Typically, farm animals like lambs are raised with the intention of selling them, but she doesn’t want to separate a mother from her adopted baby:

“The odd time, Tammy wanders off, but she’s a good mom.”

(Source: CTV Winnipeg)