Why The Heck Isn’t Gary Busey The National Spokesperson For Kia?

Last July, the decision-makers and brain trust at Century III Kia in West Mifflin, Pennsylvania gathered and asked the all-important question – “Which D-list-or-lower celebrity best represents the quality of the automobiles that we are trying to sell to the working class American?” And one of the intrepid geniuses sitting in on that meeting must have been loving “Celebrity Apprentice” at the time, because that brilliant mind suggested none other than perennial UPROXX favorite Gary Busey.
It should also surprise no one that Busey not only eagerly agreed to become that dealership’s spokesman, but he also signed on to do commercials for a Kia dealership in Houston as well. Each one of these ads is a national treasure, as you’ll view for yourself after the jump, but more importantly they beg the question – what gives, Kia? Why is Busey – the man who gave us the movie Bulletproof and the term “butthorn” – not the national spokesperson and face of your company instead of those infernal dancing hamsters?
I’m no ad exec or marketing wiz, but I know what America wants.