Yet More ‘X-Men: Days Of Future Past’ Pics Featuring Ian, Patrick, Halle And Anna Paquin’s Butt

As you’re no doubt well aware by now Bryan Singer and Empire magazine are giving fans a look at the entire cast of X-Men: Days of Future Past today via 25 collectible Empire covers. A new cover is being tweeted ever hour — earlier today Robo posted half-dozen or so, then Dan took over, and well, I didn’t want to be left out of the X-Mans picture postin’ party, so here’s the next few!

Hit the following pages for images of Storm, Patrick Stewart as Professor X, Ian McKellen as Magneto and uh, Bryan Singer, who’s apparently directed enough X-Men movies now that he’s officially part of the team…

How did it take this long for Patrick Stewart to get butt rockets? He was captain for a freakin’ spaceship for eight years!

Of course Patrick Stewart tweeted Ian McKellen’s cover and McKellen tweeted Partrick’s because, well, you know…

Halle Berry as Storm. Maybe they’ll actually give her something interesting to say/do in this one! Haha, ah, I crack myself up.

The Bryan Singer cover, which I’m mixing in here, because ending on it would be lame.

Mmmm, a little something for us ass men I see. We haven’t had much reason to peruse the magazine rack since King stopped publishing, so good on ya’ Empire.

More covers will continue to be posted late into the night, so keep an eye on the X-Men movie twitter (or, you know, just wait for us to post ’em tomorrow).