Meme Watch: The Best Of Hipster Edits

Hipster Edits (aka “Instagram Quote Rebuttals“) takes photos with pretentious captions and edits them with sarcastic rebuttals, a meme most notably appearing at the site Tumblr4Men starting last August. In some cases, the edited photo doesn’t have a pretentious caption but the subject matter is overly staged or seemingly hipster, lending well to the addition of a caption pointing out the absurdity of the original composition. The edits serve to deflate whatever profundity the original poster was intending, like interrupting a snooty performance art monologue with a loud fart noise (one of our favorite hobbies here at Uproxx). But enough of this exposition, let’s get to the funny pictures. As a bonus, seven of the pictures below are made by us:




Hear that, hipsters? Playing in the street is so exclusive. [via]



Something to keep in mind. [via]




ZOMG reblog! [via]







































































No caption necessary. [via]