Simon Pegg Discusses Comic Con Stabbing With Conan

Remember last July when there was a stabbing at Comic Con that brought the whole convention to a halt for a short time? Well Simon Pegg was there to participate in a panel, and last night on Conan he gave some insight into what sounds like the most hilarious stabbing in the history of stabbings.

“I’ve said this before but it was like Altamont for nerds, Pegg joked, referring to the infamous 1969 music festival that turned violent. “There was an altercation in the crowd…they were fighting over seats apparently…and this is what he heard backstage: ‘There’s been a stabbing!’ And we thought surely a broad sword or a Klingon weapon…it turned out it was a retractable pencil. That’s how we throw down.”

Perfect. Pegg’s new book on his life as a self-proclaimed nerd is on sale now and the interview is after the jump.