Texts From Pawnee, Where ‘Parks And Recreation’ Hilariously Meets Texts From Last Night

A few days ago we brought you this hilarious gallery of Community stills with hilarious Texts From Last Night entries laid over them culled from Tumblrs devoted entirely to doing just that. This got me to thinking: “Hmmm, I wonder if there’s a Tumblr out there that does the same thing with stills from Parks and Rec?” And of course there is. Ask the internet for something and ye shall receive it.
Enter Texts From Pawnee, a Tumblr described by the lovely young lady running it as a “combination of NBC’s ‘Parks and Recreation’ and Texts From Last Night, wrapped together like bacon on a turkey leg.” In other words, it’s possibly the greatest Tumblr ever.
After the jump, I’ve assembled a gallery of a handful of my favorites from Texts From Pawnee. If this doesn’t bring you immense pleasure, then you’re probably not an American.