The Internet’s Reaction To Arrested Development’s Return: Day Two

It ain’t easy being pastel. It ain’t easy being charcoal. [via]

Yesterday we told you that Arrested Development creator Mitchell Hurwitz announced the show will be returning for nine or ten more episodes which will lead into the fabled movie (and we also had this video of the cast doing the chicken dance at Sunday’s New Yorker Festival). We’ve also just found out that the other 100 minutes of that Bluth Family Reunion is available by liking The New Yorker on Facebook.

If you liked all those awesome internet reactions we posted yesterday, put on your Professional Magician’s garb (read: shirtless and chugging whiskey from the bottle) or just blue yourself and slip into some denim shorts in preparation for even more fan-made posters, fan art, screencaps, photoshops, .gifs, and whatnot. How many days can this continue? All the days, my friend. All of them.















