January Jones Posted An Epic Instagram Rant Saying ‘Men Are There To Serve Women’

January Jones has been known for her delightful, quirky, and very un-Betty-Draper-like Instagram photos (The “butt sweat” one especially has forever been seared into my brain). Turns out that much of Jones’ profile reflects her general DGAF attitude toward the world, something that’s pretty noticeable when she’s not all dolled up in front of the camera and made to smile.

This week, she took that DGAF mantra one step further, posting a new image that praises women and well…slams down men.



Jones claims she got the image from Zoë Kravitz, but there’s no sign of it on her profile page, so who knows where it’s actually from. Does it sound like Mrs. Don Draper hates men? Is a misandrist? Eh, maybe slightly, but then again, Jones doesn’t give a f*ck about ANYTHING, really.

(Via The Cut)