Nick Offerman Is Breaking Up With Indiana, Thanks To Their New ‘Religious Freedom’ Law

Though he hails from Illinois like most other funny people who weren’t robbed from their cradles by hockey jersey-wearing Canadian demons to be raised in Manitoba, Nick Offerman is still an Indiana icon on par with Larry Bird, thanks to Parks and Recreation. Which is why it’s doubly unfortunate that Indiana’s new “Religious Freedom Restoration Act” law has pushed Offerman to stand against the place where he make-pretend lived on a TV show that was filmed in California, canceling an upcoming concert with his wife, Megan Mullally.

In case you haven’t heard, Indiana’s “Sexuality Segregation Okay!” law isn’t doing too well in the court of public opinion. Michael Stipe is cursing at it on the internet, Wilco says they won’t play music in Indiana, and NASCAR issued a wordy version of the term “not cool.” The question is, how many more celebrities, politicians, and business leaders need to speak out before Indiana breaks out the correction tape and makes some adjustments? Does Gene Hackman need to get involved? I don’t offer the sunshine of answers, only the fog of questions.

Source: Twitter