Because Everything Isn’t Ridiculous Enough, Here’s Kim Kardashian Taking A Selfie With Hillary Clinton

Last night, while the insanity of the Republican Presidential debates were taking place — which a friend of mine referred to as a “dystopian game show,” and I honestly can’t come up with a more spot-on description than that — Hillary Clinton had a fundraiser at the Brentwood, Calif., home of Bieber manager Scooter Braun. Among the Hollywood elite in attendance were Kim Kardashian, Kanye West, and Kris Jenner; so of course Kim Kardashian couldn’t make it through the evening without snapping a selfie with the “next president” of the United States.

According to E! Online, the fundraiser was $2,700 per person (the maximum individual contribution for a candidate under federal law), and in addition to the Kardashian/West/Jenner faction, other attendees included John Travolta, Jeffrey Katzenberg, and Mary Steenburgen. So, just to summarize, while the lead Republican presidential candidate was using his platform to make cheap shots at Rosie O’Donnell, the lead Democratic candidate was schmoozing with a self-absorbed reality show star who almost definitely paid nearly $3,000 just to get a selfie with a presidential candidate. The next year and a half is going to be amazing, you guys.

And, while we’re at it, here’s the self-absorbed reality show star’s mother getting in on the photo-op action with Clinton (although just a regular photo, not a selfie):


(Via E! Online)