Everyone Is Losing Their Mind Over Donald Trump’s Cinco De Mayo Tweet

Happy Cinco de Mayo! Donald Trump is celebrating the holiday, observed to commemorate the Mexican Army’s victory over French forces on May 5, 1862, with a taco salad from the Trump Tower Grill, as he tweeted Thursday afternoon. You know, the taco salad, the traditional dish native to Mexico and its peoples. In case the taco salad wasn’t doing it for you, he also proclaimed “I love Hispanics!” to really nail the sentiment home.

Now that the Trump is the republican candidate for President of the United States, guess the guy is finally starting to practice a little diplomacy. Or the closest thing that passes for it in his mind, anyway.

Predictably, Twitter is having a field day with it:






And finally…


For what it’s worth, the cafe at Trump Tower is celebrating Cinco De Mayo today, but it’s true that the Taco Salad is not, in fact, on the menu. Go figure.