Donald Trump Slams Hillary Clinton’s ‘Disgusting’ Bathroom Break At The Democratic Debate

Donald Trump continued to be the best version of himself at a rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan, on Monday night, where he attacked Hillary Clinton’s brief absence at the beginning of last Saturday’s Democratic debate. “Where did she go? Where did she go?” Trump ranted over and over. Obviously, we don’t know for sure where Clinton rushed off to, but the popular theory is that the former secretary of state needed a bathroom break. This was not lost on Trump, who reignited his love affair with the word “disgusting,” going on to say: “I know where she went. It’s disgusting. I don’t wanna talk about it. No, it’s too disgusting — don’t say it, it’s disgusting. Let’s not talk about it.”

Well, you’re kind of the one who brought it up, dude. Does anyone else get the impression that Donald Trump is the type of guy who thinks that women pee out of the same hole that they make babies with?

Not content to stop the crassness at discussing Hillary Clinton’s bodily functions, Trump went on to explain why she wouldn’t make a good president. On how Clinton managed to get beaten by Barack Obama in the 2008 primaries, he says, “She was going to beat — she was a favorite to win. She got … schlonged. She lost, I mean she lost.”

Charming. You can watch the video below.

(Via Washington Post)

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