These People Want To Make America Great Again, But They Can’t Tell Donald Trump From Hitler

A few months ago, Donald Trump, the GOP presidential “frontrunner from Hell,” told Good Morning America that the comparisons to Adolf Hitler, who’s the president of Hell, don’t bother him. He then went off on a rant about FDR, saying:

“This is a president who was highly respected by all… he did the same thing, if you look at what he was doing. It was far worse. He was talking about the Germans, because we’re at war. We are now at war. We have a president who doesn’t want to say that, but we are now at war.”

Where’s that GIF of Homer backing into a bush when you need it?

Anyway, the political resemblance isn’t far off. It’s so close, in fact, that supporters who want to Make America Great Again can’t tell the difference between a Trump quote and a Hitler quote. SoFlo went out and read a pamphlet to Trump’s biggest fans, with Nazi rhetoric like “great liars are also great magicians” and “the more economic difficulties increase, the more immigration will be seen as a burden.” They went along with all of it.

A typical response: “Once our economic system starts improving, we don’t have to worry about the immigrants anymore.” Yeah! Then our only problem will be our micro-penises. (We’re doomed.)