This Iguana Joyfully Riding Shotgun With His Head Out The Window Like A Dog Is Having The Time Of His Life!

This American Funniest Home Videos compilation titled “Unusual Pets Living The Good Life” features everything from a TV-watching parrot to a spaghetti-eating guinea pig. But none of that matters, because the real star of the show appears nine seconds in: This iguana riding shotgun with its head out the window of a moving vehicle like a dog, with seemingly not a care in the world:

Well, I just hope they didn’t encounter any cars going to opposite direction with an actual dog’s head out the window because, as we’ve seen before, that can result in sudden tragedy.

I also have to admit I have a soft spot for reptiles that think they are dogs because I, too, have a turtle who thinks he’s a dog. Sadly, he’s not big enough to know the joys of riding shotgun and sticking his head out the window.

(Via The Dodo)