Jared Fogle Was Reportedly ‘Beaten And Bloodied’ During A Prison Yard Ambush

It sounds as if Jared Fogle’s time in prison is not getting any easier. Earlier this month, news surfaced that the former Subway spokesperson was being taunted and called “Chomo” (short for child molester) by his fellow inmates, and as a result the stress eating had caused him to pack on up to 30 pounds. And now Fogle has just received his first proper prison beat down, according to new reports by TMZ.

Apparently the issue seems to stem from the inmates having a problem with those in prison for sex crimes against minors, which is nothing new. And of course it doesn’t help that Fogle happens to be a very high profile inmate.

According to docs, Fogle got jumped in the rec yard at Englewood prison in Colorado back on January 29, and it was not much of a fight. An inmate named Steven Nigg pushed Fogle down and then unloaded a barrage of punches to his face.

Nigg, who’s in for a weapons charge, left Fogle with a bloody nose, swollen face and scratches on his neck. 60-year-old Nigg was also injured — a small cut on his left hand from delivering the whuppin’. Prison officials put Nigg in solitary as punishment.

Fogle is currently being held in a low security prison facility. If incidents like this continue to happen, it’s unclear whether or not he’ll be kept there, but either way it sounds like it’s going to be a long 15 years.

(Via TMZ)