Celebrities And Politicians Rally Around Jimmy Kimmel Following His Son’s Open Heart Surgery

As you’ve no doubt seen or heard by now, on Monday night Jimmy Kimmel opened up his show by emotionally telling the story of how his son William had been born with a heart defect on Friday April 21, requiring the newborn infant to go through open heart surgery. Kimmel’s story has struck a chord with many, and not simply because it was difficult to get through his 13 minute monologue with a dry eye.

Given Trump’s goal of dismantling the Affordable Care Act, Kimmel tearfully told his audience, “If your baby is going to die, and it doesn’t have to, it shouldn’t matter how much money you make. I think that’s something that whether you’re a Democrat or Republican or something else — we all agree on that.” By bravely opening up the way he did, many are speculating that Kimmel may ultimately help change the conversation on the way we talk about health care.

And on Monday, there was no shortage of celebrities and politicians who came out to wish Kimmel and his family well, including even former President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. In other words, you might want to grab onto some tissues because it’s about to get a little dusty in here.


The host also took a few moments to thank fans for the outpouring of support. He’ll be taking the rest of the week off to spend time with his family, and will have guest hosts filling in for the meantime.